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Should You Wear a Uniform in Domestic Staffing?

The purpose of a uniform is to state a current occupation. You see them everywhere, highlighting individuals and the tasks they’re responsible for. However is it acceptable when working in a private residence? Well, that depends. Some homes are treated as a business and employees should be dressed as such, when others are a place of relaxation where uniforms wouldn’t really fit in. There are various pros & cons to this debate.


  • Ensuring Appropriate Attire – Your staff will need to be able to climb, run and maneuver easily in order to keep up with rambunctious children, & rigorous household duties. When you control the clothing they wear to work, you will be certain that it will be appropriate for the job. Uniforms can also put an end to any clothing-related disagreements; remember, everyone has their own moral compass. What an employee feels is conservative and appropriate apparel may not suit a conservative employer’s ideas. When a uniform is agreed upon from the start, there won’t be any misunderstandings regarding a dress code.
  • Presenting a Professional Image – It’s not unreasonable to expect your employee to project a professional image, especially if they’re going to be taking your children on outings, play dates and representing your family in the public eye. Designating your staff as such, uniform requirements are a very effective way of sending that message without broadcasting an image of insecurity.

Regardless of how much you might like the idea of having household staff in uniform, there are some drawbacks to the system.

  • Complicating the Hiring Process – Though some may be open to the idea of wearing a uniform, it’s not generally considered standard practice and may be off-putting for some candidates.
  • Choosing Uniforms Can Be a Long Process – In order for your nanny’s needs and your own to be met in regards to cut, fit and functionality of her uniform as she cares for your children, you may be forced to go through several different options before you find the one that works.
  • Adding to the staffing budget – If you plan to require that your staff wear a uniform, it’s your responsibility to provide it for them. That means that you’ll also be responsible for placing orders when the selection they currently have become too stained or worn to be serviceable and that you’ll be adding expenses to your budget.
  • Potentially humiliating to Your Staff – For some, the idea of wearing a uniform that labels them as a “simple” household employee is a hurtful one. After all, this is the person that will be partially responsible for your home. If the uniform you’ve chosen looks like something out of a movie from the early days, you’re going to run the risk of hurting his or her feelings.

Nobody likes uniforms; however it’s understandable that they’re necessary in some instances. Remember to factor in all variables when making the decision on what your household staff may wear to work.

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