Resume Tips

Employment staffing agencies can help you find a job by connecting you with employers that are hiring. They match your skills and experience with job opportunities, making the job search process easier for you. Below are tips to improve your resume to land jobs faster.

Tailor your Resume

With each job listing, included are a list of responsibilities and required (or preferred) qualifications. Highlighting your skills to those qualifications by adding the same keywords/language through your resume will showcase you are qualified for the position. Relevance is key!

 ***A tailored resume proves that you have the skills and prior experience to the employer who is seeking to hire an individual to fulfill that role.


The introduction of your resume is the very first thing staffing agencies and employers see. This is where you must showcase your skills and accomplishments and align it to the position. For example, if you are looking for a Nanny position, you want to emphasize that in the introduction. You want to keep the objective or Summary relevant to only the position in which you are seeking.

Professional References

To boost your resume’s credibility, consider adding professional references with their permission. Ensure they are willing to speak positively about your qualifications and work experience. Having strong professional references can make a significant impact on potential employers. Make sure to choose individuals who can speak to your skills and character effectively. Remember to keep your references updated on your job search progress and always express gratitude for their support.

Highlight your Accomplishments:

Focus on your accomplishments! When you’re crafting your resume or preparing for an interview, it’s important to showcase not just what you did, but how you made a difference.  

  • Use Action Verbs: Begin with strong action verbs to convey your contributions. Words like “achieved,” “implemented,” “improved,” and “led” can make your accomplishments stand out.
  • Focus on Outcomes: Describe the results of your efforts. Instead of saying, “Managed a team,” you might say, “Led a team of five to successfully complete a project ahead of schedule, resulting in a 20% increase in client satisfaction.”
  • Align with Potential Employers: Tailor your accomplishments to align with the values and goals of the potential employer. Highlight experiences that would resonate with their mission or demonstrate the skills they’re seeking.

Education and Certifications:

Education and Certifications: List your educational background and any relevant certifications or training. Include the institution, graduation date, and any honors or awards received. This information is important if the job posting requires specific qualifications.

Proofread and Edit

Ensure that your resume is not only free of grammar and spelling errors, but also incorporates the specific keywords and phrases utilized by the employer. Align your summary section with the job description to ensure compatibility. Verify that each bullet point in your work history directly relates to the job qualifications. Seek input from a friend or colleague to review your resume for alignment and offer feedback.