Family Owned & Operated
Over 30 Years of Experience
background checking
We know the most important aspect of any “Background, Criminal or Reference Checking” is the “data” received on a “subject” be accurate and “all inclusive.” We also know your time (your staff’s time also) is valuable. We’ve implemented a “seamless” process, where you simply direct the “SUBJECT” to our website. At our website the “SUBJECT” inputs basic information, clicks on the “Permission Box” & if required, uploads their resume. That’s it. Virtually nothing for you to do. Within 48 hours a complete, comprehensive “Background, Criminal or Reference Check” is e-mailed to you and or available for you to view online. We can even store the “Report” for your access at any time. Due to the “Unique Combination Of Skilled Professionals” that make up our “Background, Criminal and Reference Checking Service.
Greenhouse Agency., Ltd. uses a third party to gather all important data for its Background Checking. Our partnership with HireRight. Greenhouse Agency, Ltd. has been using HireRight for its “gathering of data for reports” for more than 5 years. What is a “Red Flag?” Something, anything that might not seem right, or data and info that’s conflicting. An example: The Social Security Number checking allows us to see where a person has been over a period of many years. Should the info on a person’s resume conflict geographically with where the SS Number Check shows us the person has been then…”Red Flag.”
Though sad, we live in a “must be careful world.” This is a simple fact! Today, it is essential to know as much as possible about any “employee.” This holds true especially with Domestic/Household Staff. The reasoning is obvious. Personal Service Staff, by the very nature of their job & its responsibilities are in a position with “valuables all around,” they’re given keys, credit cards & codes. Honesty is a must! Most background checking, especially checking that’s done for very reasonable fees, does not pick up everything in every state of the U.S. This is because the “Typical Background Checking” done by most firms utilizes a “Nation Wide State by State Reporting, Data Base.” This type of “checking” may only pick up “State Corrections Info” in a particular state. This means if the “subject” did not serve time in a State Corrections Facility, they will show no “Criminal History.” A person could have been convicted of Grand Larceny, a Felony, but sentenced to 10 years of Probation. This would not show up. Being in the Household/Domestic Staffing Industry for more than 30 years, we have learned what’s what. We know what each different State reports. Few have the ability to take all relevant information on a person and be able to accurately & properly KNOW WHAT & WHERE TO CHECK. We do. Often, we’re able to avoid unnecessary checking, but confidently suggest to our Client the correct path to take. In all situations the “safety & security” of our Client and their family comes first. Additionally, Greenhouse is unmatched in checking references. With so much experience behind us along with all of the above, we know how to “interview” a subject about their past “employment.” We then know what questions to ask of a reference and how to “judge” a reference’s responses. We also have always used our own “procedures” & “methods.” Some of these are “basic” and use “common sense,” but our way of doing Background Checking and Employment Reference Checking leads to the “truth.” After all…the purpose of Background Checking is only about the “TRUTH.”

Greenhouse Agency, LTD is proud client of HireRight, LLC.